23rd Feb 2022

Brand focus: Introducing the Becketts Financial Planning website

Once Becketts had made the excellent decision to engage our services we were eager to get to work. We begin, as we like to do, with our legendary workshop. This is where we really get to know our clients, as we dig deep into their hopes and desires for the future.

Rather like a financial planner might with their clients. This is one of the reasons we love working with financial planning firms – the similarities in the way we work. We recognised this immediately with Becketts, and knew we could help them develop something special.

Becketts knew they wanted to revolutionise their brand with a new company strapline, a new suite of imagery and video, and a new website. Once we’d completed the workshop we knew what they were hoping to achieve. We fed that knowledge into our creative work. Becketts’ goal is to engage better with the next generation of clients – a slight repositioning of a well-established and successful brand. All this was to be fed into the delivery of a new, fully redesigned website. The website was designed to meet the expectations of next gen clients, while taking care to avoid alienating their existing clients. We used their established strong brand to provide continuity and reassurance to users old and new. 

“PLOTT is the perfect fit for Becketts and so we were excited to work with them. Our website brief was to present a classy, modern and professional look with the ‘best team page out there’. Nothing like setting a challenge!”

Dominic McLoughney, Director at Becketts

The strapline was developed to show what a client can expect when working with Becketts, and to reflect their ability to live the life they wish to live:

“Make the most of it.”

We love the simplicity and elegance of this line. Make the most of your money. Make the most of your life. It means both, but “it” is also open to whatever you want “it” to mean. With the new strapline and logo ready it was time to turn our attention to the website.

Points of view

Working with Becketts we developed the idea of putting ourselves in the client’s shoes. The client’s point-of-view informed the whole website. That’s the idea behind the new imagery and showstopping “hero” video. The first-person perspective puts clients in the frame, so they may picture themselves living life, and making the most of it. 

Becketts needed to cast a wide net to appeal to multiple audiences across generations and demographics. The ‘great wealth transfer’ is underway, and Becketts must service their existing client base and the next generation of investors. Because of the required ‘wide net’ we chose the first-person point-of-view. Putting the user into the video negates the need for the video to show a particular demographic or generation – the user infers this themselves. 

The video was required to achieve three things. To arrest the eye – be showstopping. To show a diverse range of multigenerational activities. And to load quickly. Web users are notoriously fickle about slow web pages – speed was of the essence. 

The page loading speed requirement restricted the length of the video. We settled on around 20 seconds which we then optimised for desktop and mobile devices. 20 seconds isn’t a long time, so we chose a dynamic, quick-cut style. We then curated a set of stock videos, which feature a range of activities. We love the end result, which is exciting and impactful.

This idea of client point-of-view imagery also informed the written word. This led to a change in the way Becketts talk about their services. Everything’s the same behind the scenes – they still provide the same award-winning client care and common-sense advice. But we simplified things to concentrate on the things that matter – clients, their aspirations and Becketts unique way of doing things. This means no jargon, no business-speak and a sharp focus on the future. Simplified because money is complicated.

Meet the team

We knew all along that the centrepiece of the website was to be the meet-the-team page. People respond to people. We know that it takes a high level of trust for a client to work with a financial planner. The introduction to the team is a vital first step in developing a relationship based on trust. What they have now is a fantastic and detailed team section, which is playful, warm and professional. It was also a great opportunity to showcase Becketts’ trendy new offices at Beckett House.

At PLOTT our goal is always to delight our clients. We work hard and never settle for something less than great. This was a project that involved the whole PLOTT team: design, video editing, programming, writing copy, and more. We’re very proud of the exciting, fresh and modern Becketts website. But what really makes us happy is how well the site has been received by Becketts, and the feedback from their clients.

Becketts was a brand we thoroughly enjoyed working on and we were delighted to help them introduce the brand on a new website. Interviewing and photographing the team in their inspiring new work environment was loads of fun, as expected. They’re a great team to work with and we’re proud of what we’ve created together.

Anna Plotnek, PLOTT Director

Want a FREE Brand and Website Audit?

Think of it as a fact-finding exercise. We’ll report back with notes for improvement, covering branding, design and technical. We’re refreshingly unfiltered and honest. This is how we get such consistently great results.

If you’re a startup you may have nothing to audit. Or you already know your brand needs work. Maybe you hate your website. Don’t worry, it happens.

Either way, drop us a line – or use our online booking tool – and we’ll arrange a call to get the ball rolling.