3rd Jul 2024

Brand focus: Connect the dots, with Becketts

What is it like to work with PLOTT?

We recently visited the Becketts office to shoot a launch video for the new brand. It’s a full day of work to capture the footage we need. But it’s a fun, creative task. PLOTT helped by capturing the messaging, getting that into bit-sized chunks in the right order. Then we produced a series of prompt cards. Dom and Mark did brilliantly on camera and we’re now putting the final shine on the video.

But while we were there we asked if Dom could talk a little about what it’s like to work with PLOTT. When clients are saying nice things about you it’s always worth catching clients them in the act!

A new brand and web project

The Becketts Financial Services website has been a huge success for us. Loved by Becketts and their clients alike, it’s also come to the attention of others in the industry. It’s led to some work for us too, which is always a welcome delight. But amazing creative output on its own isn’t enough, there’s also the service and relationship element.

Well, we must be doing something right because they’re back for more. “North-West Advice Firm of the Year” 2024 – and frankly multi-award winning – Becketts Financial Services is a planning-led wealth management firm, and a valued PLOTT client. If there’s one thing we love more than Becketts. It’s a returning client that’s also Becketts.

The big hairy audacious goal

Dom and Mark from Becketts had been thinking about their big idea for well over a year. These things take time, working out the feasibility and practicality. Their plans drawn, it was time to set things in motion.

The Plan. An all new service, using the skills, knowledge and experience of Becketts Financial Services, but with slick and streamlined back office processes.

The purpose. It comes from a belief held by the Becketts team that financial planning is powerful and positive, and should be available to everyone.

There’s long been the problem of how to serve those who would benefit from financial planning, if it was economically viable. A strict regulatory framework makes it untenable to offer the service to those below a certain financial threshold. This is the advice gap.

“Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal is to bring quality financial planning and wealth management to everyone. Getting the brand and tone right is essential. There was no question who to us; PLOTT! We’ve had nothing but praise for the Becketts brand. They understand financial planning, and we can’t recommend them highly enough.”

Dominic McLoughney, Becketts Connect

No robo

Right, now here’s a little something for those of us who love a sweeping generalisation. Robo advice is a failure. Clients don’t trust it. Advisers don’t trust it. And, by the reckoning of some experts, it’s potentially harmful to boot. It’s not a panacea for cost issues. It’s not the answer. Will AI come along and solve all this in the next ten years? Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. The real question is: will anyone trust AI?

Robo advice isn’t the answer. Most now agree on this. The answer then lies somewhere between the two – robots work hard, humans bring heart. If we can bridge this human-tech gap, we can bridge the advice gap. Becketts have thought long and hard on this problem, and their ambitious solution is Becketts Connect. Financial planning-led wealth management at an affordable – and profitable – price. Their aspiration is for a truly nationwide brand.

They’re gonna need a specialist financial branding and web agency for this job.

“Your brand purpose shows clients you’re more than just your services. You have a bigger purpose than simply creating profits. Today consumers want brands that show they believe in something more than money. They’re attracted to brands with an ethos, those that make a positive impact on the world. And Becketts Connect certainly does that!”

Anna Plotnek, MD PLOTT

PLOTT gets (back) to work

Regular readers know our first step by now. It’s the PLOTT workshop whirlwind – which isn’t a trademark, but should be. We know the industry inside-out by now, and we knew the client very well too. That’s a significant head start, but you never know what you don’t know. So for a project of this size we’ll always workshop with our client.

It was an opportunity for Dominic and Mark to pitch their idea, and tell us of their aspirations for Becketts Connect. Becketts Connect was to be a sister-site – connected, if you will – to Becketts Financial Services, while also standing alone.

The core message of their service is that clients get the benefit of all the experience and expertise of Becketts, but delivered with the efficient use of technology and a simplified pricing structure. The brand we delivered has a modern aspect with bold colours, a friendly and straightforward tone-of-voice and photography that shows people connecting – by phone, by email, by computer. The strapline, Connect to your future, is reinforced with a playful “connect the dots” graphic. This follows you on your journey through the site.

The chatty text style explains the service clearly, and expresses their desire to bring this service to everyone. Most pages feature a photograph of and quote by a member of the Becketts Connect team. This shows that it’s a human service, with real flesh-and-blood financial planners with you all the way.

Clarity is key for consumers

Becketts Connect doesn’t shy away from or obfuscate their prices. That helps no-one. Rather they proudly shout the price from the rooftop. Affordability is a key to this proposition. Clear communication of fees is also an important part of consumer duty. And what better way to make things clear than an easy-to-use calculator? We worked with Becketts Connect on this bespoke solution – and put the Fees page in the main navigation so it’s impossible to miss.

We’ll be with Becketts Connect all the way on this exciting new journey, just as they will be with their clients. With both of us delivering great outcomes and transparency for our clients.

Want a FREE Brand and Website Audit?

Think of it as a fact-finding exercise. We’ll report back with notes for improvement, covering branding, design and technical. We’re refreshingly unfiltered and honest. This is how we get such consistently great results.

If you’re a startup you may have nothing to audit. Or you already know your brand needs work. Maybe you hate your website. Don’t worry, it happens.

Either way, drop us a line – or use our online booking tool – and we’ll arrange a call to get the ball rolling.